India Smartphone Market declined by 4% in 2020. The Indian Smartphone market faced an unprecedented crisis in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges faced by the market, the Indian Smartphone market proved its resilience by declining just 4% proving Smartphones are an essential commodity in India especially as newer use cases emerged like work-from-home and distance learning. The Indian Smartphone market made a V-shaped recovery after the fall in shipments in the 2nd quarter of 2020 and recorded its biggest-ever quarter in Q3 while the H2 2020 was the biggest half ever for smartphones with strong sales in the festival period. As the number of active COVID-19 cases declines in the country, the start of the largest vaccination program in the world and the reviving economy – Consumer sentiment is positive. 2021 will also see the democratization of 5G devices in India. In 2020, 5G Smartphones accounted for less than 3% of the market but in 2021, the market for 5G devices will grow by over 9 times to reach 38 million units in 2021 which will make up 21% of the overall market.
To summarise, the Indian Smartphone Market will grow by 19% in 2021 to reach 181.5 million units with a 69% smartphone penetration.
This report provides quarter wise forecasts for key vendors in India by analyzing the shipments (in millions) since Q1 2016. This report contains historic handset data by smartphone and feature phone up to Q1 2020 and the same is forecasted up to the end of 2022. It also gives the market share, shipments, retail revenues, and retail ASP of these smartphone and feature phones by vendors. We have also included handset volumes by cellular tech and by OS for the vendors in India.
This premium version deep dives within vendors, handsets, technology, and OS to give a comprehensive overview of the Indian smartphone market. This India market outlook covering multiple dimensions and the robust forecast will help players across the handset value chain (vendors, operators, OS players) to holistically analyze the current state of the India handset market and plan ahead of the competition.
Table of Contents:
- Analysis
- Pivot Table (Tech)
- India Handset Value By Vendor
- India Smartphone Value By Vendor
- India Feature Phone Value By Vendor
- India Handset Volume By Vendor
- India Smartphone Volume By Vendor
- India Feature Phone Volume By Vendor
- India Handset Volume By Technology
- India Smartphone Volume By OS
Published Date: February 2021